Sika Team

Nous agissons conformément à la loi

Nous ne faisons aucun compromis en matière d’intégrité

Nous appliquons des normes éthiques élevées dans notre

Nous veillons au respect de ces principes

  • Respectez de façon stricte l’ensemble des lois et règlements qui sontapplicables à notre activité.
  • Respectez strictement le présent Code de conduite et les autresrèglements internes, même s'ils sont plus stricts que les lois applicables.

Le respect absolu des lois et réglementations applicables constitue le cadrede toutes nos activités. En outre, ce code de conduite définit des règlesqui peuvent être plus strictes que les lois applicables. Il existe égalementd'autres règlements internes qui doivent être respectés.

  • N'offrez aucune faveur (argent, voyage, cadeau, etc.) dans l'intentiond'influencer la prise de décision de quelqu'un (par exemple, pourconserver ou gagner des contrats) ou pour obtenir un avantage indu (parexemple, un permis auquel Sika n'aurait pas droit).
  • N'acceptez aucune faveur (argent, voyage, cadeau, etc.) qui influencevotre prise de décision ou vous amène à accorder un avantage indu (parexemple, une remise à laquelle le partenaire commercial n'aurait pasdroit).

Sika est engagé dans la lutte contre toute forme de corruption. Sikainterdit à ses employés, agents et autres tiers agissant en son nom de selivrer à toute forme de corruption. Les pots-de-vin et la corruption peuventprendre de nombreuses formes. Il peut s'agir d'argent liquide, mais ausside toute autre sorte de faveur (voyages, cadeaux de toute sorte). Ils sonttoujours destinés à influencer la personne les recevant afin d'obtenirun avantage indu de la part de celle-ci ou de l'entité en question. Peuimporte que vous offriez ou receviez une faveur indue, indifféremmentde l'identité de l’autre partie (gouvernement, entreprise ou personneprivée). À l'exception des cadeaux de faible valeur et des divertissementsordinaires, qui ne visent pas à obtenir un avantage indu (voir ci-dessous,3.), l’importance de l'avantage indu offert n'a pas d'importance car celaconstitue toujours un pot-de-vin ou un acte de corruption, qui sontstrictement interdits. 


  • N'offrez ou n'acceptez que des cadeaux et des divertissements légaux,raisonnables, de valeur modérée et conformes à la politique en matièrede cadeaux et de divertissements de votre société Sika locale.
  • Le parrainage et les contributions caritatives sont autorisés s'ils sontconformes à la politique en matière de cadeaux et de divertissementsde votre société Sika locale.
  • Il est interdit d'utiliser les fonds Sika pour soutenir des politiciens, descandidats politiques ou des partis politiques. Les dons aux campagnespolitiques soutenant la stratégie ou les activités commerciales de Sikadoivent être approuvés par la direction du groupe.

Les cadeaux et les divertissements raisonnables (repas, événementssportifs ou culturels, etc.) sont une pratique commerciale courante danstous les pays et sur tous les marchés. Ils deviennent des pots-de-vins'ils sont destinés à influencer la décision de la personne qui les reçoit.Les invitations à des voyages ou à des événements de plusieurs joursainsi que les cadeaux et les divertissements destinés aux fonctionnairesconstituent des risques particuliers. Toutes les entreprises doivent adopterune politique locale en matière de cadeaux et d'invitations, qui définit lesniveaux d'approbation requis et qui est conforme à la politique type del'entreprise.

4. Fair Competition
  • Act performance oriented and fair in the market both vis-à-vis customers and suppliers.
  • Do not discuss, agree or cooperate in any form with competitors on
    strategies, prices, markets, customers, products, production or other market-sensitive aspects.
  • Do not make arrangements on resale prices with Sika’s customers.
  • Pre-check any sensitive obligation (e.g., exclusivity, noncompete, joint ventures) with Corporate Legal or a local legal adviser.
  • Do not abuse a market-dominant position.

We expect full compliance with applicable cartel and antitrust laws. This especially applies to any kind of discussion or agreement with competitors on price- or other market- sensitive aspects. Special attention must be given to informal gatherings, conferences, trade shows and meetings of trade associations or in discussions involving possible acquisition opportunities. To the extent contacts with competitors are legally permitted, they must be managed under supervision of the General Manager and properly documented.

5. Avoid Conflict of Interest
  • Avoid any situation that may create a conflict of interest between your personal or family interests and Sika’s interests. Fully disclose such conflicts to your superior.
  • Avoid any activities competing with Sika.
  • Do not use a business opportunity for Sika for your own personal benefit.

Decisions on behalf of Sika must not be influenced by personal or family interests. Any activity competing with Sika is not allowed.

6. No Insider Trading
  • Do not use confidential, price-sensitive information to trade in Sika shares, options or bonds.
  • Do not share such information with third parties.
  • Do not use confidential, price-sensitive data to trade in shares, options or bonds of Sika’s business partners or share such information with third parties.

Trading based on insider information makes use of privileged information to achieve an improper profit. This is illegal in Switzerland and many other countries. Insider trading concerns primarily trading in Sika shares. But it is also not permitted to use insider knowledge to trade in shares of Sika’s business partners. Sika’s Insider Trading and Management Transaction Policy provides further guidance, especially regarding no-trade periods.

7. Maintain Confidentiality, Security and Data Protection
  • Protect confidential business, technical and financial information about Sika.
  • Within Sika, share confidential information only on a need-to-know basis.
  • Do not share confidential information with any third party unless required for business purposes and only after having signed a confidentiality agreement.
  • Ensure accuracy and an adequate level of security of confidential information based on Sika Group IT security policies and directives.
  • Protect confidential information and personal data of third parties and our employees.
  • Ensure that personal data collected by Sika is processed fairlyand transparently. 
  • Comply with locally applicable data protection laws and adhere to the principles of Sika’s internal Data Protection policies.

Safeguarding Sika’s know-how is of utmost importance. While Sika does not intend to hinder the flow of information required for the business, it is crucial to protect Sika’s know-how from improper use. We equally protect confidential information of third parties. Sika is committed to respecting the data privacy and integrity of all employees and third parties.

8. Protect Sika's Assets
  • Use Sika’s assets (equipment, computers, cars, etc.) with care and only for business purposes unless approved otherwise by your superior.
  • Protect them from any misuse (fraud, theft, loss).
9. Human Rights and Labor Standards: Fair Working Conditions, No Harassment, No Discrimination
  • Fully comply with labor and employment laws and Sika’s internal policies that reflect international labor standards.
  • Treat your subordinates and work colleagues fairly and with respect.
  • Engage in promoting diversity and an inclusive culture based on trust to facilitate innovation, openness and equal opportunities. 
  • Do not treat others unfairly based on their race, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, age, religion, etc., nor verbally or physically harass, abuse, offend, threaten, or intimidate them.
  • Do not tolerate any kind of abusive behavior nor discrimination of employees, and report observed violations to your manager or HR.

Sika promotes a diverse and inclusive work environment where all employees treat each other fairly and with respect. Sika is committed to equal opportunities and strictly prohibits sexual and any other harassment in the workplace. Sika seeks to ensure that the conduct of all employees is consistent with internationally agreed-upon standards of human rights as well as core labor and social standards* and supports the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Sika is committed to the abolition of all forms of child and forced labor (including modern slavery and human trafficking) – also in its own supply chain network, and to the recognition of the freedom of association, collective bargaining and social partnership, fair compensation and fair working hours.

* These standards include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multi-national Enterprises and Social Policy.

10. Protect Health, Safety and the Environment
  • Comply with environmental, health and safety laws and relevant internal guidelines.
  • Promote a safety culture and never compromise on safety and protecting others.
  • Promote the sustainable use of resources and engage in sustainable business practices, by minimizing Sika’s environmental impact (air, waste, water, energy consumption, and biodiversity), contributing to a circular economy, and prioritizing environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Never allow economic considerations to take priority over safety, health and environmental protection. 

The safety and well-being of employees is a priority for Sika. Sika drives sustainable and socially responsible business. Sika has a particular responsibility to fully comply with health, safety and environmental laws and internal requirements, in the interest of our employees, customers and society as a whole, and for the future of our planet.

11. Business Partners
  • Ensure compliance of suppliers, service providers, agents and distributors with these rules.
  • Comply with customers’ rules especially in case of gifts and entertainment, even if they are stricter than this Code of Conduct and your local Gift and Entertainment Policy. 

Sika expects its business partners and suppliers to act with integrity and follow the same rules of business ethics. To achieve this goal, Sika’s suppliers are required to adhere to Sika’s Supplier Code of Conduct. Sika supports its suppliers with trainings and monitors their compliance via questionnaires and audits.

12. Import and Export
  • Comply with applicable sanctions as well as non-proliferation, import-export control and hazardous materials regulations.
  • Ensure accurate customs declarations and obtain all requiredcustoms permits.

Sika is committed to follow all applicable trade and customs regulations. Various national and international trade laws restrict or prohibit the import and export of products or services. These restrictions are based not only on the nature of the product, but also on the country of origin or destination and, sometimes, even on the identity of the customer and suppliers (sanctions). 

13. Money Laundering
  • Be vigilant and immediately report to your superior or Controlling any questionable financial transactions.

Sika is committed to support the fight against money laundering. Money laundering means the introduction of assets (not only cash) originating from criminal activities into the regular financial and economic cycle. Money laundering is a crime.

14. Ensure Compliance with this Code
  • This Code of Conduct applies to all Sika employees. All employees joining Sika are requested to commit to these rules and are informed about their importance.
  • All personnel in all companies will be regularly reminded, at least once a year, about these rules.
  • General Managers of all Sika companies each year will confirm compliance of his/her company with these rules.
  • Corporate Functions will conduct regular trainings and audits.

While Corporate will provide the necessary instruments and methods, compliance with this Code of Conduct is a continuous responsibility of line management. Proper selection, training and supervision of personnel is also crucial in this respect.

15. Keep Full Transparency and Speak Up
  • Properly declare and account any transaction.
  • Inform your superior about potential conflicts with these rules.
  • Report violations of these rules to your superior, to HR or a member of local management, or – if not effective or feasible, escalate to the next level of management. You may also escalate to Corporate Compliance via e-mail ([email protected]) or via the Sika Trust Line (https://sikatrustline.com).
  • Persons reporting in good faith will be protected against retaliation. Violators of these rules will face disciplinary measures.

At Sika, we embrace a climate of openness and full transparency. Transparency about potential conflicts and detected violations helps enforce this Code of Conduct. Transparency is also important with regard to accurately documenting and accounting for all transactions. We encourage all employees to speak up and duly and timely inform their superior, local HR or any other member of the local management team about critical incidents, according to the principles set forth in the Sika Trust Policy. Alleged violations will be investigated carefully and, if confirmed, will have disciplinary consequences for the persons involved (including dismissal where applicable) while reporting persons will be protected from retaliation when reporting in good faith and for grounded reasons.

16. Set an Example
  • As a superior, lead by example and strictly adhere to the Code of Conduct.
  • Apply a zero tolerance policy in your area of responsibility.
  • Insist on transparency in order to address potential conflicts early.

Setting the tone from the top is a crucial element to bringing this Code of Conduct alive. It is essential to set an example and also to apply a zero tolerance policy. It also means having a working environment where possible conflicts are addressed openly and constructively.

17. Do Not Bypass these Rules
  • Do not use third parties to bypass these rules.

Critical conduct or business practice shall not be delegated to third parties (e.g., agents, distributors, consultants) in order to bypass these rules.

18. Ask if in Doubt
  • Always ask if you are in doubt.

In many cases, violations of the laws or internal guidelines can be avoided by timely advice. If you are in doubt about what decision or action to take, ask others first and seek advice or assistance from your manager or the relevant department/ function (e.g., HR, Legal, Compliance or Finance).

19. Rule of Thumb: Newspaper Rule
  • Where there is no specific rule or if you are in doubt, check your conduct with the simple newspaper rule: Would you do it if it appeared on the front page of your local newspaper with all details?

While many of these rules may be specific and may not cover the actual case, the newspaper rule is globally understood and applicable. It provides a sound test as to whether a conduct is permissible or not. 

20. Apply the Four-Eye Principle
  • All commitments on behalf of Sika – no matter whether they are made on paper or digitally – must be signed by two authorized persons, even if local law permits for only one signature.
  • If the commitment is made via electronic communication (e-mail, text message, etc.), only one person may sign it. However, a second person must review and approve the commitment before it is being sent out. 
  • Unless required by local law, never use chops or personal stamps; if using chops/stamps, always add personal signatures.

The four eyes principle is Sika’s key principle for proper risk management and ethical conduct. A competent second pair of eyes must review business matters and ensure a diligent decision-making process and especially compliance with this Code of Conduct.

21. Questions / Comments

If you are in doubt or have questions regarding this Code of Conduct, contact your superior or Corporate. You may also send your questions and comments to [email protected].